Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Designing my Mars Lander

Designing my Mars Land Rover on Tinkercad

In Robotics I have continued designing my Mars Land Rover by using and understanding design principles on Tinkercad. I have discovered how to make holes in my design on Tinkercad and how to merge things together as one group shape.

The Prototype for my Mars Lander
We designed our sphero robot with lego and tested it by having a race with other models created by our classmates. We discovered that having a bigger space for the sphero to move around while still in the robot worked better because the sphero had space to move and re-adjust itself in order to move where it was directed; compared to a smaller space because that limited its speed and sense of direction.

Java Script Syntax
I learnt how to use JavaScript Syntax because it is a commonly use 'language' in coding. I have learnt how to write lines of coding successfully through CodeCombat, as well how to confirm lines of code.

I learnt how to drive and navigate a Mars Rover through The Virtual Mars Yard. The aim of my mars lander is to drive on mars and pick up any valuable data on the surface of Mars. That data would then be used for further research about Mars. I think my design would work because when I was designing my Mars Lander i thought about the things that would impact my design, such as the wheel design and how heavy the mars Lander is. If we had more time we would have designed and printed some designs with a 3D Printer.
 We also built a Mars Rover with lego. Our Robot design has this shape because it creates ease when moving. Our Robot will navigate the terrain with these features because they are easy to control and effective. Our data capturing tools are these because they can capture valuable data without complications. Our lander will be maneuvered by remote controls back at base.
I have enjoyed the experience and new skills I have gathered in this module.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

New Zealand Studies - Identity - Term 1

Last term in New Zealand Studies we were studying 'Identity". This topic was about who we are, where we're from and what makes us unique. We had to draw an picture of a kiwi and write some interesting facts about the Kiwi, the national bird of New Zealand. Here's my drawing and facts.

This term we have started looking at old art by kiwi artists and identifying what we saw in the artworks that related to New Zealand.  We are exploring more old work of New Zealand artists to see what life was like.

Friday, May 4, 2018

9MG English: Term One

This term in English we have been exploring the hero cycle and the journey of a hero. Our first task was to create a poster and write a few paragraphs about someone that is a hero to us. These poster are now up on the wall, as part of a 'Hero Exhibition'. I did my poster about my friends. Below is a picture of my poster.

Everyday lesson we start off with something called the Big Question. The Big Question is an activity that we do to get us 'ease' us into each lesson and give us an opportunity to develop our writing skills, such as punctuation, grammar and spelling. Ms Evans comes up with a question and we are challenged to write 100 words answering that question in 5 minutes. Here is an example of one that I did, the Big Question that day was just to do free writing. This piece of writing isn't finished.

Smile! Three, two, one... say cheese!  Ugh, picture day again. One of the worst days in the school year,
along with; cross country: practically torture, Mufti-day: too much effort and way too much self
consciousness and last but, definitely not least, rubbish pick up day. The top days for humiliation.

We also have something called the Success Ticket. Which is usually another question but this this is done 5 minutes before the lesson is over, to wrap the lesson up. The question for the success ticket ranges from how we think we did that lesson based on the success criteria to what we're doing in the weekend.