Monday, August 22, 2016

My whare of well-being


  1. Wow that was really awesome prakriti your video was really clear and really easy to hear and understand I really liked watching it and your place that you decided to record. all and all I think it was really good.

    from Theo

  2. Great recording Prakriti that clearly explained your whare. You included many detailed drawings on your walls which you were able to film well for us to see. I hope you found Stupflix easy enough to use!

  3. I loved the fact you introduced the project quickly and then produced clear close-up views of each side and gave detailed descriptions of each. More importantly, I enjoyed learning more about you in the process. Thank you for sharing so well, especially given you had so little time to work through the process. Well done!

    1. Thank you for commenting on my learning. I'm proud of my final product even though I didn't have as much time as others in the class


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